What about the Navy Map of the US after this eruption? Will the US follow suit for the sea level rise expected over the next few years? Rick Joyner and Bob Jones first saw these events back in the 1970's and 1980's. I wonder if a nuke were detonated on the Canary Islands it would create something far more devastating than normal. While the St. Lawrence River is a funnel from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it appears that the only real opening from the Atlantic is about 50 miles across to the Gulf, which would then have to hang a left down the St. Lawrence, and then were looking at hundreds of miles to Lake Ontario. No one noticed because were so brain washed!Its time to wake up and do some research guys..Please.. All Im saying is that figuring out whose house will get flooded depends on a huge number of factors not the least of which include, volume, speed, frequency, direction. However, we also know that the 3D soundwave is not a single pure vibration, rather, most typically, a series (symphony) of vibrations about the z-axis that wrap themselves and spin/corkscrew about the skeletal body moving about the x and y axis (arbitrary, yet crucial to define and keep consistent). Look to God, make sure that you are not walking in sin. And i can assume that people living in Western, MA The Berkshires would be the safest. Use your common sense, and do something b4 its too late. I live in Winston salem NC if a mega tsunami hit the east cost is my city in danger giving the fact we like 200 miles from a beach bit we have the Yakin river that close by. A bad prophet is like a bad comedian, they are off primarily in their timing. Let me state this up front to you and anyone reading this, my comments are not meant to be snarky but I am a person who believes telling it like it is. SMH. But I am curious. Major damage to Ohio from tornadoes. I am moving to Naples On the gulf coast of Florida .,,what r the chances a wave could travel across the whole state? Anna. Why the news have not mention any of this? The Bible teaches us that "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let a thing be established". I dont know when this Tsunami will hit the east coast but please be prepared to take the actions needed to stay alive and ready for the outcome of the Tsunami. Across the entire US there will be gas shortages. If you google and YouTube September 24th asteroid theres SO MUCH EVIDENCE! BUT GEE WHIZ.. it is SUPER important to know how to see where YOU ARE on a MAP. Please PLEASE do yourself a favor and google ZetaTalk safe locations. That should help a little. God bless and guide us all. Would it be through a mobile phone alert like other weather alerts? Theres a nuclear power plant close by so it may not matter anyhow. If you were within a few hundred miles of the slide I could see 100 plus waves. They were made in the 90s buy this guy who seemed to know that the world trade centers would be nuked, oil spill,ect ect. If we are in the East Coast where are we suppose to go? When the speed of the wave approaches zero, the wave breaks, much of its energy is released, and it will not go too much further. I know of three others who prophesied that tsunamis will hit the West Coast and the East Coast of the United States; John Paul Jackson, Perry Stone and Steve Quayle. . Getting out of harms way before the others clog the roads. If Long Island, New York got hit by a mega tsunami generated from La With the disappearance of current . I think its time to start witnessing as much as possible, and being a light to the world, being the love of Christ to those in need. Upstate NY would be good but you have to check the elevation. If you are informed of a tsunami, the best way to escape is. While another tsunami may be more compressed (in frequency) and be thrust forward very quickly while traveling a long distance inland (remember Japan?). Amber Simmons 152 subscribers Subscribe Like Share 5.8K views 1 year ago This video is a description of three. A weak wave, say 35 to 45 feet would devastate a lot in Florida, but not the whole of the state; but, from reviewing the map(s), anything near 75 feet or over, ALL of Florida will be effected, even North Florida up into southern Georgia. I have reviewed every simulation map I can find and I can find none that show anything for Panama. Honestly Anonymous, I would be a heck of a lot more worried being that close to NYC than a tsunami, having said that Im probably going to get chastised but the chances of a tsunami traveling in that far inland and up 166 feet is a possibility of course, the active maps Ken has here are good. I wanted to run but I knew it was useless, I could not move because of the fear that overwhelmed my soul and flesh; as I am pleading with desperation in my dream calling upon God begging him to please remove me from such destruction, with great difficulty I returned to my body, and I was paralyzed but with my mind completely aware of the situation. Im a curious maine downeaster, too, having seen this coming, years ago, and disappointed by my hopes to avoid trouble by sitting 100 or so feet asl. His lips are moving. The Canary Island scenario, in my opinion, might yield less energy relative to how fast it travels, wave height, how far inland, etc. My instinct tells me that the effects would be muted well before then. Now, this Prophecy is very signifcant, because what is happening, is everything in Jeremiah 50 and 51, would be fulfilled in OUR DAY! Palm Bay Florida is a very large city of over 100,000 and the most populated zone in your county. This will not only hurt the U.S.A. and Canada but South America Africa, Great Britain, and all the coast across the sea.Plus when the water recede wow what happens then? Dr Owuor's Tsunami Prophecy for Australia - Godlike Productions I-Z;kH,T!Ao `aXl ^ahkesC;WI}5LaGSLH[fXR)x`H%"!EQZY$J#jSOOPp%5( Z!x,6v@%{:$q%($AOZ#"y`L*ncUT]7@`qR_`wbNBa;-"w=mv9*`D> /R:/D.Z=[[{tk*GKa%.Ic0Ov'#xurp@ix!v5,^dfmV[{q Ja&2ti#isn0u=vrB3h,3"Su4{,hR )jytXT&>2d3xdk{s$g#cJ}$lxfTg1y*V\REiy:dVpRn" wa|?>Fp0nbQa@ )+"qO%u5d7,L\(N5uS:LqHapB1]D|Ur2rF>VX If the wave was only one foot thick. Im in nc too. The best thing I can say is pray that you and yours are safe..and if help is needed by your fellow man or neighbor, help them. I live in Ga near Al/ Tn border and am probably high enough up to escape major flooding. Are we at risk and what do you suggest? As afraid as I was of dying & the lava. Ancient Tsunami Detectives Hunt for Long-Lost Cataclysms . Also I saw a map that this will effect the southeast portion of Tx too. All this earthquake & Tsunami stuff sounds like destructionwhat would happen AFTER the Rapture. The North pole has already been moving. Plague breaks out due to the many dead bodies around. Find a reason to vacation inland NOW! that means, except for man made structures and trees, there is nothing that will keep the wave energy from continuing FORWARD across the State. Ohhh and look up Illuminati card game! Would upstate New York be a good place to relocate?? Im literally on the edge of the distance move as we speakbut HOW FAR INLAND? You can go west to New Jersey. Well explained, Steve. If yall get hit take a DEEP breath!!! I ve ministered in the Far East for years.China will greatly experience a great flood. Its the little things! Steven Ward first explained this theory in research from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, two decades ago. I remember I turned and looked down at my daughter. Id like more data on how these maps were made. Where should we go? Surfs up bro! We are screwedwe live on the Eastern Shore of Virginiathat litte peninsula between the Cheasapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. I currently live in NC and have been dreaming of huge waves or water coming in as far as Chapel Hill. As far as south Florida goes, arent you forgetting the Bahama bank and the Bahama islands? PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ - PUERTO RICO / SANTO DOMINGO, ASTEROIDE / TSUNAMI, ENGLISH DUBBEDhttp://youtu.be/EWhCZgID6tYPuerto Rico Convention Centerhttp://www. Whoops, I see that I did indeed cut off part of NJ. Yes. Appalachian Mtns should be safe area. Things will get high or maybe higher ! A decades-old theory has resurfaced online after a volcanic eruption on a Spanish island that caught the world's attention. The only safe place will be the place where the Father tells you to go. Anyone have any idea if this area is safe in the event of a mega tsunami? I live on the east coast of Bermuda, do you think it will miss us? Once they institute Martial Law, as the Bad Weather used as the Ploy, it will be too late too really do anything. Ive been working for several years encouraging him to get on the preparedness train. Should I be worried? I like .. .. volcanodiscovery.com/lapalma/sep2021seismic-crisis/current-activity.html. What about the Tampa Bay area? Raise the sea/ocean level 5 and see how this changes your model. Nope, but, depends on the height of the wave. Now its trayectory may change because we are dealing with many objects spreading out and slowing down. West Coast of Florida gone, but again, depending on the wave height of the tsunami; 75 feet or higher it will go across the State and will get Tampa, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Port Charlotte, Fort Myers, and other Florida west coast cities. New Bedford, Mass has a movable sea wall that they roll out for storms. I saw this enormous dark tidal wave approaching the coast very rapidly and stretching from north to south as far as the eye can see. Go from September 22nd-September 25th. I have watched just about every Japan 2011 and Asian 2004 tsunami video. There is no where to hide but in the Almighty Lord our Savior. You are right, I will be exactly where HE wants me. AMEN! One more thing.. Pray and be safe. I have had those same dreams. The closer to the water the lower you are. Okay, SO SOMETIMES ARCHEOLOGY WILL FULFILL PROPHECY! WHAT does it mean when by the city it says 10 Can you tell me where I can find the video you mentioned, on BIN? This rationle applies strategically as we move towards AI based trucking, in context of sovereign state threats to satellites, and ability of rogue nations to effect EMP events harmful to all solid state dependent transport, Utilities & communication. Many are prophesying that a meteor will strike causing a tsunami and massive earthquakes and a volcanic eruption and flooding in rivers and streams. I see at first this 300 foot tsunami would go less than 10 miles inland but then i see later in your findings Florida would be wiped out. And lastly, if you sont know Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior, I recommend you receive and accept Him NOW! My family and i live in southern Texas , about 45 minutes from the coast (South Padre Island) The US Navy has drawn up Flood Maps showing where we will lose roughly about 150 Miles of our Coast Lines around the USA. You might not have noticed, but about 25 meteotsunamis hit the East Just a guess, with the bibles numbering system, that the quake would be at least a mag 10. The long Island Sound, the Bronx River, and The Hutchinson River. I live in East Orange New Jersey and am a little frightened because of the close proximity to NYC. Ranier is now active and Mt. 2 0 obj for U.S. Atlantic Coast . This scenario can happen in December 2013 or January 2014. At least wed have somewhat of a chance. Almost certainly in the type of tsunami event considered in this blog many plants would not be able to shutdown or contain the consequences., https://halturnerradioshow.com/images/2021/09/16/US-Nuke-Plants.jpeg, https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/earthquake-swarm-la-palma-if-blows-wipes-out-us-east-coast-via-tsunami, [ Also, https://modernsurvivalblog.com/nuclear/us-nuclear-power-plant-locations-live-wind-flow-map-for-fallout/ ]. If a 300 tsunami is generated from the Canary Island region, I do not believe that it will traverse the state of Florida due to energy loss as it hits the shoreline. This is a broad wake-up call that people need to make definite changes to prioritize GOD in their lives. Should I relocate my family and what state is really safe. My family lives in Smithfied, NC and Wilson, NC but they used to live in Kinston. one small, then one very large to the northwest of it (a city between). La Palma: I Pet Goat 2 and the Third Secret of Fatima Updated 8X - Blogger How bad ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Florida%27s_highest_points, http://pubs.usgs.gov/sim/3047/downloads/SIM3047.pdf, This blog is a few years to early. 4 New Dreams, Earthquake & Tsunami 03/02/2023 - Audio from The Prophecy image source: Cumbre Vieja Volcano Potential collapse and tsunami at La Palma, Canary Islands, Steven N. Might be better to be dead and in peace. in my teens and early 20s, if you would have told me that i would be living where i am, and how i am, i would have said you were crazy. Thats my opinion. The folks east of Baltimore MD may have a head start to flee towards the mountains of Maryland IF they roll as soon as the warning is issued. Plus like said in the article. Hmmm, its 2021 and I dont think this prophecy came true. please tell me, Ive got my popcorn and everything. People are reading too much into this, THANK YOU for scientifically based TRUTH! Or even worse, the stock markets with obummers finger on the Nuke Trigger. As for as this is concerned, they will think first of all that its just not ever going to happen, and then even if they toss that around in their head (the thought of it really happening) they will procrastinate, and do nothing. Iam the only swimmer in my house hold of 6 adults an 3 children. (research by Steven N. Ward). I also saw a documentary on television regarding the same subject. I recently pointed out that even Hamlets Mill recognised that Sirius did not precess (as even Wikipedia acknowledges), inescapably making it our 2nd Sun unless you believe the falsehood that it has a coincidentally counter-precessionary orbit about its own invisible companion (Sirius B). On Long Island, as with much of the Eastern coast of the US, tsunamis are relatively rare; although some events could still cause a tsunami event her. Thousands of people are having dreams. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Doesnt look like it will swallow all of NJ. This would primarily be an east-coast event. Yes wondering how far inland it will travel. The wave that hit Japan was 30 ft high that doubled or channeled up to 100 ft high in certain areas (it wasnt a 100ft cresting wave). The potential for an East Coast tsunami has come under greater scrutiny after a 2012 earthquake swarm that occurred offshore about 280 kilometers (170 miles) east of Boston. A 300 ft wave your elevation is 16ft and Delaware to the east of you runs around 50ft at best sooo. Be aware . Why are governments building bunkers lately? Owned a homestead in the Everglades. Water,cern,harp whats next do we really have a chance. I suspect the waves will not be that severe, but that most of the world will still die in the aftermath without electricity, food, medicine, etc. Florida is 361 miles wide and 447 miles long. And Im 100% serious about buying homes in/around Tampa. Has very interesting videos on America & tsunmais & earthquakes. Would Lake Hopatcong NJ at 900ft elevation 40 miles inland be safe from a 1000ft tsunami, I would google videos of the Japan tsunami flooding, eye opening, >>COMMENT POLICY>>USE OPEN FORUM for Off-Topic conversation. Wondering how N. Suffolk, VA would fair with the Nansemond River close by. I wonder what kind of expertise/training you have? What then? Is Charlotte, NC far enough inland or should I head for higher ground? Would you really wish to be among those folks? In the dream my sister shouted the earthquake is next and it will be a 10 or more on the ritcher scale. Ward. Go camping or something. Pray, repent, give your life to God. Only thing Id be worried about is stuff from the Passaic river contaminating the lower elevations as its pushed north by the flow. Not a false prophet. What Speed and Height of Tsunami would be created if a Large Astroid hit in the Ocean? While a massive tsunami of this magnitude would travel up rivers and waterways to an extent, and push inland to an extent, it will lose its energy fairly rapidly as it travels inland. BTW, today is the day that The President announced pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord which is what got me looking anew, and I found this blog. Plan Folks Do NOT be a Refugee. The fool has said in their heart, There is no God'! I am not an expert but a simple research shows that a wave would come in via the Bristol Channel up to Bristol. its not a question whether an earthquake could exhibit more or less energy in general, but the question is how the waveform propagates (its behavior about its 3D special axes and 1D temporal axis (and 3D waveform quality through spacetime (assuming space and time are a holistic system). Julie Green once again tells us the message that she is being told to tell us and to additionally continue to keep faith. Some geologists studying the Canary Islands predict that the western side of a volcano eventually will slide off into the ocean, sending a 300-foot high wave of liquid destruction our way. This is a dangerous zone correct? Focus on that, if you really want to spend countless hours on this. Your odds of going out in the next 20-30 years are far higher from an accidental nuke exchange, or from an escalation going out of control on purpose. I am about 30 mins north of portland,me will the tsunami reach me.God Bless us all.Amen. The largest. I have been talking to a concerned Christian in north New Jersey, less than 50 miles south of NYC for some six years. Thanks for the information. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. You mean other than the fact that you live in NJ? They have know that this is coming, but they wont tell us untill the last minute. Evacuation would be virtually impossible for most (except for the astute who act quickly) due to only hours notice, probable doubt, and the subsequent immediate gridlock that would follow. Say a 600 to 1000 foot one? I think we both need to go west and in the next 30-45 days at the minimum. Its not even on the main stream news which I know is lame. Vice President Al Gore gave You a hint about 20 years ago, that the Weather would start to change around 2016, he said from Green House Gass, but what he was telling you was about Planet X coming. Oh, well. We were trapped & could only go upward. Subsequent preparedness might involve the basics, like having a plan and/or an evacuation plan. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. There are too many people with gut feelings that something is about to happen to just not prepare. impossible naturally .they want this to happen . My date in my phone is very troubling.. Speed is a minor factor, since the continental shelf and sloping ocean bottom as a braking surfaces to oncoming waves. If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. Move or definitely dont move there? Even a 1000 foot wave might dissipate quickly. silver fox says; It would be wise of people to believe God over man. With everything Ive been assimilating recently, I think you are right onhopefully I have raised my own frequency enough to go through it with the Earth Mother, along with many of her other love based inhabitants. If living in Galveston TX. You are fuelless, low on supplies, and likely have encountered stalled traffic on the highway. How early would a warning be issued and how would it be issued? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Evidence suggests that pole shifts are both magnetic and geophysical, with a periodic cycle of recurring and predictable cataclysms involving huge earthquakes and tsunamis, changes in latitude and altitude, mass extinctions, and the destruction of civilizations, reducing them to myth and legend. Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya My Predictions from the Lord Jesus: East coast gets hit with tsunami. A street in Maryland disappeared today with many cars over a railroad track. I didnt catch the ensure boxes in that scene. It seems some could use a basic physics refresher, as well. As far as Texas and the Gulf, the effects of the tsunami will be greatly reduced because it is mostly blocked by Florida from the East. I live in Milton Fl.In between Navarre Bch and Pensacola bch(20 mins either way)My question is would Talledega Al. As you know, micronovae or energy waves cannot affect the currently accelerating change of Earths magnetic poles and field strength, so really they should be recognised as distractions (bunk). If you live in central or southern new jersey it is extremely dangerous. Are you still in NJ? But thats just my feeble opinion for what its worth. Someone else mentioned Newark but their question was never answered and Im close to Newark so I would love to hear your thoughts!!! (height in meters). Force if impact depends on the size and speed of projectile and impact point (depth, material of both projectile and impact site, etc.) New York will disappear in an apocalyptic flood, taking with it the self-proclaimed rulers of the world . I would love to believe nothing will happen, But why are all the elite and government doing all these maneuvers across the states, You dont do something for no reason, you dont build something if you dont intend to use it, But these guys and some of them the Gov has moved some important offices to Chicago under ground WHY ?