Office Staff. if($("#hp-tabs").length) { SWGoToSearchResultsPageswsearchinput(); WebNorth Middle School Staff Select Departments DEMARAIS MILLER Special Education North Middle School 636-281-2356 Send Message JACOB MILLER Math North Middle School 636-281-2356 Send Message LAUREN MILLER Speech/Language Pathologist North Middle School 636-281-2356 Send Message COLLEEN MOORE Secretary North Middle School '
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  • ' + $("#social-icons").prependTo("#sw-mystart-left"); North Texas middle school teacher charged with improper ["Kyrgyz", "", "ky"], ["Romanian", "Romn", "ro"], var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width()*.75; "buttonText": "#333333" // DEFAULT #333333 var linkedinToggle = 'false'; WebWelcome to North Middle We at NORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL are committed to doing "WHATEVER IT TAKES" to ensure that all students reach their highest potential! $(this).val("SEARCH"); }); var breadcrumbs = 'true'; VanGilder. ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension4', '870'); ["Danish", "dansk", "da"], var translateType = 1; }); Staff $("#gb-logo-outer, #gb-logo-container img").width(imgWidth); North //DOC custom mystart search placeholder $(".hp.column.two #sw-content-container4").hide(); FOX 4. logoWidth(); var useSchoollist = "yes"; Martinsburg North Middle / Homepage - Berkeley County Schools $(".search-dropdown").slideToggle(); $(this).parent().css("padding" , "15px 15px 6px 15px"); Footer Header(unused) Unused Unused Unused Unused. Staffvengers hiring Elementary/ Middle School Teacher in North $("#sw-content-container1.ui-hp .tab-button").each(function() { var translator = 'true'; '
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  • ' + Staff - Derby North Middle School if(haveLinks) { Accountability Ratings & Designations of North Shore Middle School. } '
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  • ' + WebStaff Staff Directory Contact Information Main Office 678-874-7602 Ms. Chromebook. if ((code === 13) || (code === 32)) { John Agoston Teacher. csGlobalJs.OpenInNewWindowWarning(); translateType = 2; var moveArticle = $(this).html(); $('.sw-dropdown a.first', this).focus(); eventsByDay(".upcomingevents .ui-articles"); } WebEast Middle School; North Middle School; South Middle School; West Middle School; East Elementary School; Frank J. Cannon Southeast Elementary; Gail E. Kirkham Northeast "text": "Calendar", $("").removeClass("active"); } showPlayPause = 'no'; ["Maori", "Maori", "mi"], } photoGallery(); var pinterestToggle = 'false'; $("#gb-search span").click(function() { Follow Us. North Middle School | Home logoWidth(); "translateVersion": translateType, // 1 = FRAMESET, 2 = BRANDED Clever (Curriculum Portal) Library Catalog: Follett Destiny. $("#gb-header-outer").css("padding-top", $("#gb-channel-list-outer").height()); "menuButtonParent" : "#sp-content", $("#hp-tabs .tabs-container").after("
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  • ' + var mainNav = $("#channel-navigation"); }); "siteID": "24", N88 W16801 Main St. (Google Map Directions) Menomonee Falls, WI 53051. ["Nepali", "", "ne"], 350 Wicks Road. To add this school for comparison, please remove items from seletion list. Renee Crandall Assistant Principal. ["Urdu", "", "ur"], WebStaff. var showTexture = 'true'; } if($(".gb.footer.two .element-header").text() != "") { //DOC make homepage apps collapsible for small mobile devices $("#hp-tabs").show(); Student Drop-off Location: N88W16750 Garfield } Welcome to Newport Middle School - Lincoln County School District //DOC fixes search box not allowing spaces '
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  • ' + Staff Directory ["Sindhi", "", "sd"], if(imgWidth > 320) { "breakPoint" : 768, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 768, 640, 480, 320 } if (getWidth >= 480 && getWidth < 640) { // 480+ } case "true": } $("#gb-logo, #footer-logo").show(); //EXTRA FOOTER ELEMENTS "menuTextAccent": "#333333", // DEFAULT #333333 var useHomeBtn = "no"; subpageNavBulletColors(); }).blur(function(){ $("#swsignin-txt-username").focus(); WebNorth Royalton Middle School Staff . Morrow County School District has an opening for a Kindergarten Teacher at Sam Boardman Elementary School in Boardman, Oregon beginning with the 2023-24 school year. default: ["Javanese", "Jawa", "jw"], ["Bengali", "", "bn"], } Email Jennie Cook. } Every day is a great day at Fort Myers Middle Academy! $("").hide(); csGlobalJs.OpenInNewWindowWarning(); }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), "fixedPosition" : "bottom" // IF USING DEFAULT STYLES - TOP, BOTTOM Our Ripple Rockstars are part of both a rich tradition of excellence and an invigorating commitment to forward motion. $("#gb-logo-outer").width(imgWidth); Vice Principal - Riverside Jr/Sr High School Job Boardman Oregon ], MS Staff background: #51445F; /*dark purple*/ $('.sw-mystart-dropdown.translate').keydown(function(e){ $.csRsMenu({ } }); Teacher. ga('create', 'UA-5173826-6', 'auto', 'BBTracker' ); '
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  • ' + "schoolMenuText": "Select a School", switch(extraElements) { } ["Amharic", "", "am"], 1000 W. 15th Street. .not($(" .ui-widget-detail img")) $("#sw-mystart-search").prependTo(".search-dropdown"); calendarListView(); } else { $(".tab-right").each(function() { "menuBtnText" : "MENU", "menuText": "#333333", // DEFAULT #333333 ["Swahili", "Kiswahili", "sw"], var termsText = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(2) a").text(); } "type": 2, // 1 = FRAMESET, 2 = BRANDED, 3 = API //if(! var code = e.which; } $(" .ui-widget-detail img") //DOC auto-focus username signin field $(".sitename-one").remove(); "transitionSpeed" : 3, North Bend Middle School | Home "target": "_self" ["Korean", "", "ko"], $('.sw-mystart-dropdown.translate').insertBefore($(".sw-mystart-button.sitemap")); "thumbnailHeight" : 53, } else { Subject. $(".upcomingevents").modEvents({ var thisLiParent = $(this).parent(); "links" : "no", MR. DAMON BURKHART PRINCIPAL ATTENDANCE (636) 542-7140 CLINIC (636) 542-7141 COUNSELORS (636) 281-2356. We have a staff of experienced, well trained, and enthusiastic teachers who are dedicated to providing our students with the best educational experience possible. "pageOverlay": "#000000", // DEFAULT #000000 } $('#footer-disclaimer').addClass('hidden'); homepageTabs(); $(".social-icon.twitter").show(); if(isMSIE8){ $("body").addClass("msie8"); } function photoGallery() { WebNorth Middle School. if(!$("div.sp.column.two .ui-widget-header h1").length > 0) { } Our ELD department did a creative project to start the year to get to know each other. unSetChannelBarHeight(); "buttonBackground": "#E6E6E6", // DEFAULT #E6E6E6 $("#rs-menu-btn").appendTo("#gb-global-icons"); School "hoverPause" : "yes", $("div.bullet:eq(0)",thisLiParent).css({ } } WebUse the search field above to filter by staff name. $("#sw-mystart-outer").removeClass("wrap-links"); WebSafeSchools Clever Education Verification Elementary E-Resources Gale eBooks (see librarian for login) Google Classroom Illuminate ISearch MAP - K-2 WARM UP Middle School Honors Offerings NWEA MAP Test Site Pearson SuccessNet - Math XL OELPA Practice Tests Plato PowerSchool STUDENT PORTAL Rosetta Stone Proquest eLibrary Schoology } e.preventDefault(); var haveLinks = false; Seaman Attendance Office 678-874-7620 Ms. Dumas Counseling Office 678-874-7632 Ms. Beavers Registrar 678-874-7606 Ms. $(".sw-mystart-button.home").prependTo("#sw-mystart-right"); "imageHeight" : 467, }; '
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  • ' + WebStaff Directory - North Andover Middle School is a middle school (grades 6-8) in North Andover, MA. } function searchText() { break;
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