Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Signs, 19(3), 713738. Inclusion and democracy. In S. Besson & J. L. Mart (Eds. 9. Descriptive analysis also involves identifying the position of a single value or its response in relation to others. Would perfect mobility be perfect? Quota problems: Combating the dangers of essentialism. 1992 also saw the rise of an increased participation of women in Congress, particularly Democratic women, and this number has increased steadily over the years. Get full access to this article. Pros. Substantive and Descriptive Representation in Swiss Cantons Hernes, H. (1987). Caption. terminology - What is the difference between descriptive and Highlight the major advantages and disadvantages of the product, process, strategy, idea, etc. Another argument in favor of descriptive research is that once information is assembled, there are many ways to apply it. An example of descriptive statistics would be finding a pattern that comes from the data you've taken. The purpose of this study is to examine the consequences of the level of descriptive representation of women in the National Parliament (NP) and European Parliament (EP) on the substantive representation of women. (2001). The Pros and Cons of Writing Description - Helping Writers Become Authors Even though the movie broke some barriers, Disney and other film companies still have more progress to make to adequately represent their viewers. The article concludes with a discussion on the important avenues for future research as the level of diversity in Congress increases and more women and minorities enter the ranks of committee and party leadership. tees, and voters weigh the pros and cons of descriptive representation, this analysis argues for attention to the specific historical contexts that make descrip- Descriptive representation should be judged primarily on this criterion. Comparative state feminism. (2014). Minorities have endured many forms of social injustices. Reading a hundred pages may not give any scope to make a decision. Sloman (1985) has also argued the pros and cons of analogical representations, and has concluded that a variety of representation formalismsincluding those specialized for spatial reasoningare important to AI problem solving. in or register, Descriptive research is used to gain information about behavior. The three worlds of welfare capitalism. This helps to avoid wastage of time. For discussions of gender quotas in corporate boards, see, for example, Engelstad and Teigen (2012). The Pros And Cons Of Labor. (1999). In academic and professional environments, researchers often take on research projects before making definitive statements or taking action involving the subject matter. It is the land of oppression to progression, yet we still wear our scars and our heads up high. From class actions to Miss Saigon. This essay will proceed as follows. License Terms: Download for free at Descriptive Representation Descriptive representation refers to the election of racial and ethnic minor-ity members to policymaking bodies (Pitkin 1967). In some cases, representation can seem to have very little to do with the substantive issues representatives in Congress tend to debate. Descriptive Representation, Legislative Leadership, and Direct - JSTOR Gender representation and quotas. 3. Creating a list that details both sides of the argument makes it easier to visualize the potential impact of your decision. This may help you better understand research findings, whether reported in the mainstream 625 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure our website works properly, personalize your browsing experience, analyze how you use our website, and deliver relevant ads to you. The safest position would be to say that results are "mixed . suggest descriptive representation leads to substantive representation in Congress. Holst, C. (2014). Descriptive representation as an intrinsic good Theories of descriptive representation also suggest that voters may value representatives of the same race as an intrinsic good, regardless of any (perceived) substantive representation that accompanies it. Often times in American history, unselected natural characteristics such as race and ethnicity have served as keen factors permitting unequal treatment of individuals and at creating barriers placing minority groups at a disadvantage when attempting to practice influence over the government. Government American Congress Congressional Representation. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics: How to Analyze Your Data Nothing bores me faster than description.. Democracy With Adequate Representation. Study designs Centre for Evidence-Based - University of Oxford Descriptive research has advantages and disadvantages with researchers accounting for positive and negative variables. They may sometimes also include analytic work (comparing factors "" see below). Galligan, Y. Does the representative look like, have common interests with, or share certain experiences with the represented? Should blacks represent blacks and women represent women? - This law-making body is generally controlled by the laws and governed by the state constitution. Rallies and protests have emerged from incidents that dealt with racial profiling. Race itself was never something I viewed another, in the way women are portrayed in modern culture and society. Advantages and disadvantages of descriptive representation Descriptive representation is where people are allowed to vote for leaders who they feel mirror their beliefs. The concept of representation. List of the Cons of Proportional Representation 1. 4. tees, and voters weigh the pros and cons of descriptive representation, this analysis argues for attention to the specific historical contexts that make descrip-tive representation most useful. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ethics, 91, 431450. Since feedback is a necessary component of first-class customer service and workforce optimization . Other hybrid approaches have been suggested for visual-spatial and model-based reasoning. Why democracy? European Sociological Review, 20(1), 111. Represent Women?A Contingent "Yes" Jane Mansbridge Harvard University Disadvantaged groups gain advantages from descriptive representation in at least four contexts. However, its not unheard of for it to happen when two buyers are using the same agent. New York: Verso. List of Pros of Bicameral Legislature. A contingent yes. Letters can be written to their representatives. . 1. Stanford Law Review, 43(6), 12411299. For minorities, America is not the land of the free. In the first place, learning of our neighbors gives us the inclination that we must keep an eye out for them. What is a Descriptive Representative? | PS: Political Science Emerald: Bingley. I argue that race and ethnicity matter in congressional oversight of bureaucratic policymaking. Descriptive Representation and Political Efficacy: Evidence from Obama Affordable. Representing consumer institutions: The case of American health planning. Copyright 2020 Chemtech Speciality India Pvt. This research could include the information on the raw numbers of people who buy the product, the demographics of the end user and the focus groups that ask for consumer feedback on the product. Descriptive Representation : Brief Description. While qualitative research may be hard to argue against because it involves numbers and tests, questions of the researchers motive and method often arise. Barry, B., CC BY. Cornell, D. (1998). For example, raw numbers may show that people are more prone to a specific behavior, but an interview will explain why this behavior is occurring. Descriptive representation A belief that constituents are more effectively represented by legislators who are similar to them in such key demographic characteristics as race, gender, ethnicity, or religion Racial gerrymandering The drawing of a legislative district to maximize th chance that a minority candidate will win the election Veto Estlund, D. (2008). world (descriptive representation), and the second focuses on effects of women's presence in parliament (substantive representation). Discrimination has not fallen short in any way and continues to build barriers for many people of color. Rita Williams Garcia Net Worth, Marion Maddox, Kais Al-momani, Niki N. N. Dados, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Leda Sutlovic, Toma Deelan, Danica Fink-Hafner, Jasminka Pesut, Centre for Peace and Social Justice Papers, The Institutional and Demographic Determinants of Latino Representation in State Legislatures, Legislative Oversight and the Substantive Representation of Black and Latino Interests in Congress, Women's Legislative Representation and Gender Equality: What Works in the Absence of a'Critical Mass', Quota Laws, Representation of Women and the Role of Civil Society Organizations, The Social and Political Forces Shaping Legislator-Constituent Relations: Expanding an Empirical Theory of Representation, Political Participation of Muslims in Australia, Citizen Panels and the Concept of Representation. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizing Data With Pros of Representative Democracy. While this is an enormous step, indicative of progression, corrupt politicians many times can use such incentives to implement manipulative and unscrupulous tactics to gain support from minority groups. In many areas of public administration and policy, the importance of descriptive representation or shared identity and perceived shared experience for racial and ethnic minorities is well documented. Towards a European union gender equality index. Phillips, A. (1999). Conducting a thorough survey relies on two things: willing participants and accurate data. For example, although more than half the U.S. population is female, only 20 percent of Congress is. Proportional representation is a system of political representation that has been growing by leaps and bounds. Mansbridge, J. Saskatchewan Schools; Research Methods in Psychology; Dr. Mark Burgess and Dr. Stephen Kemp. The Effects of Descriptive Representation on Interpersonal Relations. African Americans made up the largest percentage, with forty-eight members, while Latinos accounted for thirty-two members, up from nineteen just over a decade before. Liza Hollis has been writing for print and online publications since 2003. In this way, it couldn't just be that distinctive individuals lived in the high-wrongdoing territories than in the low-wrongdoing zones. PDF A Study of Strengths and Weaknesses of Descriptive Assessment from - ed PDF Constituents' Responses to Descriptive and Substantive Representation 518). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Peter, F. (2011). The closer assessment of pros and cons will however vary with normative position and more specifically with which conceptions of democracy and equality one subscribes to. The notions of women-centred/intersectional state feminism, state feminism with/without a welfare state and with/without democratization should be thought of in terms of Weberian ideal types. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Lovenduski, J. Like Mink, many other women sought and won political office, many with the help of the NWPC. This is the case for women who remain numerically under-represented in legislatures around the world, but also ethnic minority groups, and other minorities. Women-centred and intersectional state feminism, state feminism inside and outside a welfare state context, and state feminism more and less democratized are compared, and it is argued that from the cost side, descriptive representation is more recommendable in a democratized, intersectional state feminist regime than in a women-centred technocratic one, whereas the effects of the welfare state variable on descriptive representation costs are more mixed. Racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 90 percent of the population growth in the United States from 2000 to 2010, and the United States is rapidly becoming even more diverse. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of descriptive research. A software life cycle model is a descriptive representation of the software development cycle. Though studies argue it influences how communities are represented through constituency service, they are limited since legislators' service activities are unobserved. As one Black representative to the U.S. Congress told Carol Swain, "One of the advantages, and disadvantages, of representing blacks is their shameless loyalty to their incumbents. Compare the gains and losses of a proposal in the decision-making process. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. On the benefit side, intersectionality, welfare state and democratization seem to deliver several of the same goods as descriptive representation, raising the question of whether descriptive representation is at all recommendable, given what we know of its costliness. Yet, demographically speaking, Congress as a whole is still a long way from where the country is and remains largely white, male, and wealthy. Qualitative Research Pros & Cons . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Main Research Question. Public opinion and the Australian aid budget, 2000-2013, Black Legislative Politics: Examining the Issue of Voting Rights in the Post- Hurricane Katrina Period, The Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Party on Atittudes towards Descriptive Representation, Issues and Candidates: Colorado Latino/a Vote Choices, Granting Local Voting Rights to Non-Citizens in Estonia and Latvia: The Conundrum of Minority Representation in Two Divided Democracies, Intersectionality, Quotas, and Minority Womens Political Representation Worldwide, Turkish Journal of Politics (TJP) Vol. Movies represent cultural values and Disney's legacy of mostly white princesses depicts our racist society. Legal harmonization and intersectionality in Swedish and Norwegian anti-discrimination reform. When on the institution site, please use the credentials provided by your institution. Descriptive Vs Inferential Statistics: Which Is Better & Why It is widely used in Europe and has both advantages and disadvantages. The pros: Its the best way to collect data without bias. Fleurbaey, M. (1995). (1993). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. Phillips, A. Citizenship, Gender and Diversity. Descriptive representation describes the extent to which public officials reflect the demographic composition of the constituents that they serve. The closer assessment of pros and cons will however vary with normative position and more specifically with which conceptions of democracy and equality one subscribes to. Poli 220 Mid Term II Review Flashcards | Quizlet Our books are available by subscription or purchase to libraries and institutions. This law-making body is generally controlled by the laws and governed by the state constitution. PubMedGoogle Scholar, Uni Research Rokkan Centre, Bergen, Norway, Centre for Womens and Gender Research, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, Holst, C. (2016).
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