In fact, Bigtrees attorney calculated a VAERS URF of 50 well before Kirsch did. A fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, Chris's work has appeared on PBS and been cited by the Washington Post. But he cant even get that one right. Martenson holds a PhD degree in pathology from Duke University in 1994 and an MBA degree from Cornell University in 1998. I think what I'm wondering is if he's someone you'd thoughtfully share with others or someone you'd hide away like a dirty drug habit. If it isnt 50%, then what is the real number and for how long? Kirsch just wants to save lives. I would argue if he cant get something simple like that out, that we should have a lot less confidence in anything else he says. If we are wrong about this, how did Ron figure it out on his own that the vaccines were nonsensical for every age group and get his paper published in a peer-reviewed medical journal? Kory spoke with Dr. Chris Martenson, host of the Peak Prosperity podcast, about his incredible experiences over the last nearly two years. We are eager to find out how we were fooled by all this data. Our economy requires growth. Zero deaths, no credible reports in the scientific literature. It was their mistake, not mine. [6] He has recommended that consumers take steps to prepare themselves for "peak oil", after which he asserts that recovery of petroleum resources will decline. This turns the ovaries into a very large manufacturing plant to turn out toxic spike protein", "FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save". Why were the studies never done on NHPs to find this data? Is that OK with you? Is the data just not cooperating with the narrative? Is the author willing to challenge my team in a recorded debate? If this isnt right, then tell us what is the amount of troponin elevation and for how long? [2][3], In his writings and in interviews with various media outlets, Martenson regularly warns his audience of economic crises., slide 12; they say there is no signal because they use a time window based on days 1-21 (with implicit control defined as 22-42 ? . How come Jessica Roses myocarditis paper was pulled by the publisher? Between a 15-year tour in the military and five years at URS (later Amentum), Mike has nearly two decades of project management, operations, maintenance, and logistics experience. Why does Dr. Anderson refuse to meet with us? Think about it. Information you can't afford to live without! The author says my motivation is ego and fame. Whoops!!!! Chris is in the dot-connecting business. Martenson is a fellow of the Post Carbon Institute. Isnt that problematic? Any legit fact checker would prioritize fact checking the biggest lies of the pandemic such as the virus had a natural origin, the number of people killed by COVID is so large (its a fraction of that), that the vaccine hasnt killed anyone, and that masks are effective. The paper said Despite this, there were only 14% of the cases for which a vaccine reaction could be ruled out as a contributing factor in their death. So it is interesting that some people can definitively state that the vaccine didnt cause their death. There should be been around 110 deaths in each group, right? How did Ernest Ramirez's 16 year old son die? Dont you think that we should have safety data on the amount, distribution, and duration of the spike protein that is produced BEFORE we started experimenting on the public? Once the vaccines rolled out, docs were seeing more cases of myocarditis, not fewer case. P(X>=16) is so low that my application gives 0. He also uses some GREAT analogies to get concepts across. No coverage. So why pick on Kirsch? Those are the most important. It was a clear case of vaccine caused death. and argue that all the deaths were normal, thats simply not what the study said. This was in plain sight of the public (Pfizer slide with the Optum data (see my article about this). A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Peter McCullough? An effective resum of the modus-operandi of Anglo-US-NATO in its drive towards de-facto global dominance using the 2011 Libyan and subsequent Syrian interventions as telling examples. This page was last edited on 9 August 2021, at 06:24. The Peak Prosperity Podcast Peak Prosperity - Chris Martenson Business 4.6 40 Ratings; Featured voices on current and future economic and environmental events. ), Ron Kostoff never talked to any of us prior to. From these experiences, I gather my comfort with numbers and finance. In 2002, I discovered that my broker was unable to navigate a bear market, and Ive been managing my investments ever since. While it is amusing for people to refer to the Mclachlan VAERS study and argue that all the deaths were normal, thats simply not what the study said. Chris Martenson (economist) Born 15 September 1962 Alma mater Duke University, Cornell University Repeatedly deleted from Wikipedia Dr. Christopher Hamlin Martensonis an economic researcher, writer and trend forecasterinterested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. Instead, Im a trained scientist, having completed both a PhD and a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where I specialized in neurotoxicology. Why are cardiologists reporting highly elevated # of cases of heart disease in kids after the vax rolled out? this time we are just going to focus on him and his manipulation of the facts to support his grim. Do you think that is a normal reaction? 1 On December 8, 2020, Kory testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which held a hearing on "Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution." What are they afraid of? I just learned about this on Dec 1 at 11pm. If not, I'd suggest looking at the Crash Course as a starting point or hist youtube videos on Covid. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. All the people we talked to are reporting more events because there are more events happening. 18 Comments. That is clearly false and misleading. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Its December 2, 2021 and the fluvoxamine recommendation was Last Updated: April 23, 2021. My children were homeschooled, and the big house in Mystic was sold in 2003 in preference for a modest homestead in rural western Massachusetts. How come there were so few all-cause deaths in the Pfizer study? Peak Prosperity founder Dr. Chris Martenson has been on the cutting edge of revealing the fragility of a financial system dependent on perpetual growth while operating in a world of limited resources. This article "Christopher Martenson" is from Wikipedia. Here we go. John Su is using a URF of 1. The point is if you want to show hes wrong, you should show the error he made. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. Today's conversation with Chris covers the outbreak from a scientific perspective. There are 5,288 symptoms that havent been reported for ANY vaccine in the last 5 years that are being reported for the first time in these vaccines. If the fact checker uses a pseudonym, why cant you tell us what your name is? Duration: 48:31s 01 Mar 2023 0 shares 1 views Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit . Thats the formal version, but heres the informal version in his own words: I think its important that you understand who I am, how I have arrived at my conclusions and opinions, and why Ive dedicated my life to communicating them to you. Dr. Chris Martenson is an economic researcher & futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. One of the downsides of telling the truth in this environment is that it seems everyone and their brother wants to tear all your arguments to shreds. Thats called a reality check.. I didn't share anything because I just couldn't tell, again, if it was overly alarmist or dead-on. In 2008 he released YouTube videos he called The Crash Course divided into 19 short video chapters of problems in the nonsustainability of our economy, energy and environment. Whats their motivation for all the fraud and deception? Heres is my latest attempt which I sent on December 5, 2021: Rather than address every point of every fact check, here is a checklist for things that a thorough fact checker should be able to answer, but cant or wont. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Will you debate us in a recorded zoom call where you can answer all our questions? Wasnt it irresponsible for the CDC to recommend vaccination for pregnant women before the data was available? He talks with your host, Dennis Tubbergen, about the three E's; Economy, Energy, and Environment, and his forecast for the future in these key areas. Dr. Chris Martenson has a PhD in Pathology from Duke University and is one of the founders of Peak Prosperity along with Adam Taggart. Using arguments of where did they hide the bodies just shows you are incapable of finding the bodies; it doesnt prove Kirsch got it wrong. Both are part of the strategy advisory council for The Unity Project Hes also worked in media relations with reporters and news organizations in more than 160 media markets, including CNN, Fox News, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Good Morning America, the Today Show, 20/20, and Dateline. Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. His COVID video series garnered in excess of 40 million views and helped millions better understand, adapt, and prepare for the Pandemic of 2020. I've made sure to keep it unedited and uncensored.Enjoy!Neil, Continue reading. Are these fact checkers willing to go through the cases one by one with Scott and our team and show us all how we got it wrong? More recently, he co-authored the book "Prosper" with Adam Taggart, with whom he also publishes the website Without growth, jobs, opportunities, and the ability to repay past debts simply and mysteriously disappear, causing economic pain and confusion.[9]. I. Christopher Hamlin Martenson (born September 15, 1962) is an economic researcher, writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. Today's conversation with Chris covers the outbreak from a scientific perspective. [11] The news site Mother Jones accused Martenson of trying to cash in on coronavirus fears. Why are you not telling that story to the public? Why? But, most importantly, I now know that the most important descriptor of wealth is not my dollar holdings, but the depth and richness of my community. I love teaching, and I especially enjoy the challenge of explaining difficult or complicated subjects to people with limited or no background in those subjects. Dr. Chris Martenson | Ivermectin incredibly safe Adverse effects are extremely rare, even when doses are not correct. Largely, his appeal to me is that he stays away from rhetoric and just deals in data (or lack thereof) and tries to keep his message succinct, honest and accurate. Thats called a reality check.. Aarons aim is to maintain alignment between the vision of Peak Prosperity, the business strategy, and its day-to-day operations. I'd say my trust in him has risen because of this. actually, everything that i say about dr martenson and in general turns out to be right. If the URF isn't 41, what is the true URF and did you calculate it using the CDC-approved methodology like we did? We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. I've been lightly but steadily following Chris Martenson for about the last 10 years. All you have to do it publish the correct analysis of the same data (35% of the worlds population so hardly cherry picked). Keep up the good work. The whole system needs to continue as it has for the last 40-50 years, but that's just not possible. Do we get any credit in your mind when they finally recanted? If this isnt right, then tell us what is the amount of troponin elevation and for how long? Was the URF computed wrong? Listen on the go. Pfizer PROVED that VAERS is 5X underreported for myocarditis, and the CDC will not even acknowledge that? 13:34, By using the servers, you agree to its use of cookies, Martenson, Chris (2011). So we were right and they were wrong. Lets find the truth. I gather data, I develop hypotheses, and I continually seek to accept or reject my hypotheses based on the evidence at hand. If you are The Gift of Fire, then please respond in the comments. If the URF isn't 41, what is the true URF and did you calculate it using the CDC-approved methodology like we did? REPLAY: December Peak Insider Live Q&A with Chris and Evie. Why? the paper he used IS DEBUNKED his methods are very unethical and, i need to stress this, chinas numbers turned out to match the rest of the world. Ron Kostoff never talked to any of us prior to his paper appearing in Toxicology Reports. Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the worlds most respected cardiologists, is appalled by this. Do you even know me or have we ever met? Is that the new way we are supposed to treat people today? Morgan then spent over 15 years working for two Fortune 200 companies and later consulting to national solar energy companies, restaurant chains, nonprofits, and schools. If Kirsch is wrong on his analysis, how come you cant point out where in his analysis he got it wrong? ), It's easy to see there is a HUGE cluster of GBS on days 1-42 (16 cases) using the remaining days 43-98 (2 cases) as control window, it gives an unadjusted Relative Risk of, 2/56 gives 1.5/42; so on a standardized time window of 42 days, the number of expected cases is 1.5, it's easy to use a random variable X following a Poisson distribution with a parameter of 1.5, what's the probability to observe at least 16 events ? I could spend full time just refuting all the hit pieces written about the content Ive produced. effect on neuronal growth cones and axonal fast transport") which does bolster his credentials. So it seems like VAERS is actually under-reported this year, and not over-reported, dont you think? We see right through the rack checkers. The Crash Course is a popular and extremely well-regarded distillation of the interconnected forces in the Economy, Energy and the Environment (the Three Es as Chris calls them) that are shaping the future one that will be defined by increasing challenges to growth as we have known it. An interview with Chris's daughter, Erica Martenson. If the vaccines are so safe, then why did CDC insiders tip off a friend of mine in January not to get the vaccines? Martenson is a fellow of the Post Carbon Institute. They doubt he is a scientist.[12]. How do we explain the families where 3 relatives, all previously healthy, die within days after the COVID shot? Martenson compares the inexpensive off-patent Ivermectin to on-patent and EUA-approved Remdisivir, which comes with "25% severe side-effects." So as Martenson concludes, the "safety profiles aren't even remotely comparable." Such prompts one to ask why the FDA has approved Remdisivir for emergency use and not Ivermectin. If we address the context problem of the first one and they mistake by The Expose in the second one, we are left with: When we look at areas of the body where we didnt expect to see the LNPs, the ovaries has the highest accumulation. So rather than spend our time debunking his debunk, I want to issue a challenge to our anonymous do gooder. Well address all of your points in your article, if you address all the points above all in a LIVE RECORDED zoom call where we can set the record straight. Former big pharma executive Chris Martenson, who sold off everything and moved his family to the country, speaks with Paul Solman about exponential growth and the danger of our debts exceeding --. And what ties all these people together? In 2008 he released YouTube videos he called The Crash Course divided into 19 short video chapters of problems in the non-sustainability of our economy, energy and environment. So isnt it more likely than not this is real? Charlie Kirk [00:00:52] All right. I thought its a safe vaccine?!? rootusrootus on April 15, 2020 So we were right and they were wrong. If the CDC and FDA members are independent, why did one of them admit in a private conversation that if they didnt vote the way the FDA /CDC wanted they would be kicked off the committee like Martin Kulldorff? How many MRE's? Martenson says the FDA just approved a Pfizer CV19 vaccine named Comirnaty, but the public is not getting it. Aaron McKeon, member of the Peak Prosperity Tribe since 2014 and former corporate renaissance man turned country homesteader, joins the Peak Prosperity team as Business Manager and Head of Technology. As a fact checker, why arent you calling that out? Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. COVID Vaccines for Children. Why aren't the vaccine injured getting any press? Why does the CDC *REFUSE* to calculate and use the proper URF for VAERS when interpreting the safety data? from the experts at that fact checked two statements that they claim that I made: Its not just me that says that. [2][3], In his writings and in interviews with various media outlets, Martenson regularly warns his audience of economic crises. Ever since his high school days running his own company building websites, he has also maintained a passion for developing websites, one he now brings to the table at Peak Prosperity. These causes of death were not normal. And how come the CDC couldnt respond to Siris letter on this? Christopher Hamlin Martenson (born September 15, 1962) is an economic researcher, writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. Is that OK with you? While in Los Angeles, he dabbled in all facets of video production, from sound, to cinematography/lighting, directing, and editing, experiences which contributed to a well-rounded competency in all things production. He is adamant this treatment is only effective in combination with zinc supplements. Everyone who knows me and works with me will tell you the answer: Mr. Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University and is a futurist and economic researcher. It sounds wonky, but it simply means the world is likely to experience inflation and shortages kind of like we're having now. Reality check here. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Why were there 4X as many cardiac arrests in the vax group vs. placebo in the Pfizer Phase 3 study (6 month)? unique traits of plants, animals and humans. What's his motivation for spreading misinformation (Answer: Chris is one of the rare scientists who takes a critical look at the data and is guided by the data and not what people say about the data.) And isnt it interesting that the Day 1 peak just happens to coincide with the mechanism of action of the vaccine? Without growth, jobs, opportunities, and the ability to repay past debts simply and mysteriously disappear, causing economic pain and confusion. many with huge elevations compared to baseline (previous vaccines). Does it trouble you at all that we dont know what those numbers are? Here is a video where Dr, Chris Martenson reviews the study and component studies and gives his analysis. What do I do if I decide not to leave the big city? This is really hard for many people to believe and accept. Your work speaks for itself. Steve. I thought every says that the rates from the vaccine are MUCH lower than from COVID. Lets do this as a Before and After. Information, commentary, analysis, and an online community for discussing the convergence of global issues facing the economy, environment, and our energy ne. I'm curious if anyone else has an opinion on him and if it's changed over time. Why did all of these people suddenly become conspiracy theorists? There was an autopsy to prove it. Is that the new way we are supposed to treat people today? If the vaccines are as safe like you say, then how can Dr. Charles Hoffe find D-dimers significantly elevated in over 50% of his patients after the jab? How do you explain that the biodistribution showing accumulation in the ovaries correlate with the. He is the cofounder of That would save lives. How come undertakers report a huge increase in business right after the vaccines rolled out? He is a contributor to addresses personal resilience by building eight forms of capital. ? Isnt it unfair just to attack Kirsch? Also, there was a key opinion leader meeting January 2021 where the NIH, CDC, and FDA experts got on a call and voted that doctors should talk to their patients about fluvoxamine. Dr. Chris Martenson is a futurist, economic researcher and holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University. Why are athletes dropping by a 60X rate after the vax rollout? How come the NIH and WHO did absolutely nothing when the fluvoxamine Phase 3 trial was published in Lancet? Born and raised in Las Vegas, Mike Congero spent his initial working years freelancing in various showrooms across the city even serving as a grip in his familys record studio until eventually signing up for the U.S. Air Force, yes, one month prior to September 11. Why does Dr. Chris Martenson make all these YouTube videos showing the vaccines don't work, masks don't work, etc. Why did Taiwan report more deaths from the vaccine than from COVID? Heres my fact check of the fact checkers as a repurposed graphic: First, I try to reach out to the experts who are quoted in the fact checks to challenge me in a recorded debate. Why did YouTube censor Dr. Peter Doshi's testimony? Recently Ivermectin, a drug in use on hundreds of millions of humans since 1981, has faced severe malignment from the FDA and CDC. We get that. Why is the line slope going the wrong way in the Harvard study? Chris was one of the first people in the West to flag Covid-19 as a major global health issue on Jan 23. If the vaccines are safe, how come Alex Berenson also thinks the vaccines are unsafe? It was supposed to be a representative group! Why would Peter Doshi, associate editor of the BMJ, risk his reputation to question what is going on? Why would he completely jeopardize his chances of winning by going rogue and speaking out about the dangers of these vaccines? I seriously doubt it. Dr. Martenson is the CEO of That said, again IMO, he was waaaaay out in front of this Corona Virus epidemic and pretty much correct about everything weeks before it popped up on Reddit, the news or in conversations with friends (he's the reason I was already stocked up on stuff three weeks ago, tbh). December 21st to December 21st Read. I can't tell. More importantly, why did the press not cover it? Chris and Evie now live on a 180-acre rural property in western MA and love being close to natures bounty and beauty. Peter McCullough? He found the same things Kirsch did. This page was last edited on 20 July 2020, at 09:25. Chris was one of the first people in the West to flag Covid-19 as a major global health issue on Jan 23. Do you think that is a normal reaction? The Lancet article was widely covered by all major media, but the NIH did nothing. Why is the cardio testing lab at UCSF now filled with kids 7 to 10 only AFTER the vaccines rolled out for that age range? Perhaps our friend can name one cardiologist who shows that myocarditis cases when down significantly after the vaccines rolled out. Seems pretty high. If we are wrong about this, how did Ron figure it out on his own that the vaccines were nonsensical for every age group and get his paper published in a peer-reviewed medical journal? John Su is using a URF of 1. It has not been retracted. How is it that a nurse for 14 years only starts seeing myocarditis in kids after the vaccine rollout and not during COVID. According to PhD Pathologist Dr. Chris Martenson, we have now learned: 1) there are good ways to prevent catching the disease, and 2) scientists have now developed cheap, safe and effective treatments. What about Maddie de Garay? Do you even know why Professor Bhargava transitioned to Emeritus at such a young age? Privacy Policy. That is clearly false and misleading. I grow a garden every year; preserve food, know how to brew beer & wine, build structures, operate a sawmill, play guitar, and raise chickens, pigs and cows. Dr. Chris Martenson is a pathology and toxicology expert who was a scientist and former corporate finance officer for Pfizer. 2K views Streamed 2 years ago Dr. Martenson, the defamed and hated fearmonger is back at it. Kirsch just followed on Aaron Siris work and refined the number. Even at a URF of 1, these vaccines are still 40X more dangerous than smallpax (8500/220). Dr. Martenson talks about the natural evolution of viruses as they mutate and what we see today, while also First of all, I am not an ivory-tower economist. Follow Chris Martenson and explore their bibliography from's Chris Martenson Author Page. He asks in his title: What motivates a tech millionaire to fight against covid vaccines? Id have a lot more respect for him if was able to get that simple question right. In his corporate role, he was responsible for managing the movements of hundreds of employees and their families as well as millions in parts and equipment across various projects and site locations, including Germany, Italy, UK, UAE, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait, Djibouti, and others. today regarding a currency crisis striking all across the globe . Insights for prospering in our changing world Timeline Data Request Add new event Patents Save to List Loading. Praise for James Wesley, Rawles: "Rawles is an amazingly gifted author who has singlehandedly reignited the postapocalyptic thriller. [5] In 2012, Martenson warned of a liquidity crisis. The VAERS data shows that the vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every life that they might save. Despite the gaming of the AE reports, arent you alarmed at the statistically significant large increase in overall morbidity in all of the COVID vaccine trials (the paper US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good by J. Bart Classen, MD). Martenson holds a PhD degree in pathology from Duke University in 1994 and an MBA degree from Cornell University in 1998. Do we get any credit in your mind when they finally recanted? Im not the bad guy here. All rights reserved. Investing in Our Future. Or are you just trying to discredit me? If the vaccine didnt cause death in VAERS, then how come there is a temporal association between vaccination date and deaths? Perhaps you can reference an equally prominent cardiologist who will debate Peter on this? Chloroquine, a drug that has been used to prevent and treat malaria, has shown promise in being a potential treatment for the novel coronavirus sweeping the globe; Reaction and analysis from. After: I am a 58-year-old who willingly terminated his former high-paying, high-status position (at 42) because it seemed like an unnecessary diversion from the real tasks at hand. He followed a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where he specialized in neurotoxicology. Why not spend your valuable time focusing on that? Over the years Ive gotten pretty good at it. 30 Likes. Combining mission and passion, he now puts his logistics experience to work organizing our events, building partnerships, and growing our community into one that will help us thrive in what we all know is coming. Reality check here. Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and founder of
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